Nous Etions is here, Old Soul is en route!

Posted on November 16th, 2014

Salut! Comment vas-tu?!

It's here! The newest release from Nous Étions, La Manière Noire, came out beautifully. Once I get around to getting/making the inserts (I'll also be getting the Mono/Wounded inserts) I'll list it to pick up!

It was such a privilege to take part in this release. I got to work with great friends/their labels, and the dudes in this band are great. Expect a little something more that involves both us and them soon ;)

Nous Étions - La Manière Noire (AIR004)

Just got the word from IFB that the amazing, screenprinted inserts for Old Soul's Natures Arms Encircle All are all set, and they are on their way here. Dave just posted a picture of one of the Old Soul records that he just got in, and as you can see… these mixed records have some beautiful variants.

I'm listing up some Districts merch, alongside very limited copies of Bravo Fucking Bravo and Kidcrash releases, in the next couple of days. I have a bunch of records coming in distro soon, and we are still waiting on the new logo as the artist is super swamped!