March: Viva Belgrado Pre-order, Record Updates & Friends

Posted on March 3rd, 2015

Hey everyone! Lord of AIR here (Thanks Dave).

A combination of having literally no spending money and focusing on the podcast has led to a quiet page lately. Let's get back to business.

Viva Belgrado - Flores, Carne Pre-order

It's almost here! I'll only have 50, and considering how brilliant this record is, they will most likely go pretty quickly. It'll be up over in the shop if you want to get in on one of the pre-orders, and the records will be here in roughly a months time (if I had to guess). 

Old Soul/Nous Etions Orders

Okay, so with Old Soul, I have everything except for the records themselves. I'll be getting them very shortly. For anyone that snagged Nous up recently, I had inserts made and need to go pick them up. To anyone that has ordered those, sorry for the delay. Expect some extra goodies to be inside.

Upcoming Releases

I've been scraping it lately and I unfortunately had to turn down some fantastic records. There is still one that is coming up, but it would be 'unceremonious' of me to divulge any more. After that, I will probably tone it down for a bit? Expect some tape releases and most likely some non-screamo stuff. Come to think of it, though, the more you buy, the more I'll be able to put out ;) 

Districts also had the pleasure of playing the last Ken Burns show this past weekend. They are an amazing band and awesome people. Also, any excuse to go to Olneyville is good enough for me. I'll be co-releasing some Districts stuff later on this year was my point, though!


My friends are doing so many cool things musically, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to plug some of their things on my wildly popular limited run blog section. I'm sure all the traffic this site gets will do them wonders, our metrics are crazy.

Old Wild Eyes

This album was two years in the making and I was lucky enough to see the songs grow from skeletons to a  beautifully flushed out album. The lyrical content is really great, and the vocals are so so good. They are also going to be recording the intro song to the kids podcast my friends and I have been working on, and we are so stoked!


PJ has been a good friend for a while, and his musical output has been nothing short of impressive. It's a lot different than Girl Scouts, but damn it's so addictingly good. This band was good right out of the gate, I'm really excited to see where they go.

Choke Up

I've never enjoyed a lengthy LP THIS much. None of these 14 tracks come off as filler to me, and I've had them in heavy rotation for a year now. Really good songs to run to, if that's your thing. Sam and Harley are both in Old Wild Eyes, too!

Thanks to anyone who has picked anything up, it's scarce, but it's a really cool feeling when I open an e-mail and see that someone has ordered something. I was away for a bit, but expect to hear more from AIR soon.